Adult Ministries 50+
Adult Ministries 50+
Any opportunity that we have to build relationships with one another, is a great opportunity. Our Adult Ministries get together throughout the year for fun times of fellowship and encouragement!
Upcoming Events
Truth Seekers
Truth Seekers is a small group for men 50 and over that meets every Tuesday at 6:30 PM. In this small group the men take turns sharing a devotional and dessert.
This group does not meet the last Tuesday of the month due to T.E.D., our men’s ministry monthly gathering.
Front Porch Ministry
The Front Porch Ministry includes those in Lakeshore’s congregation who are 60 years-old or older. We provide special gatherings throughout the year.
Singles Ministry
Lakeshore’s Single’s Ministry plans events for the single individuals of the church. Join us for game nights, Bible studies, and more!