Find out what’s happening at Lakeshore.
Whether serving in a ministry, joining a Bible study or attending one of our fun events, there are many ways to connect and fellowship at Lakeshore.
New to Lakeshore?
We would love to get to know more about you!
Key Announcements
Pasta with the Pastor
Sunday, January 26 – 12:15pm
If you’re new to Lakeshore Church, we invite you and your family to join us for a pasta lunch with Pastor Bryan and the staff on Sunday, January 26th immediately following second service. Gather with us in the Youth room for a chance to meet and connect not only with our pastors and staff, but also with other families who are new to Lakeshore. Please register by January 19th. We can’t wait to visit with you!
Membership Class
Sunday, January 26 – 11:00am
If you would like to become a member of Lakeshore and learn more about our core values, beliefs and ministry opportunities, please sign up for our membership class! This class will take place on Sunday, January 26th during second service.
“Young-ish” Adult Trivia Night
Saturday, February 1 – 5:00pm
Are you between the ages of 25 and 35 years old and want to find a way to show off your impressive trivia knowledge? (Or if you just want to come hang out, eat, and visit!) If so, join Lakeshore’s “young-ish” adults for a trivia night on February 1st at 5:00pm! The cost is $10 per adult and $2 per child (if applicable); dinner will be provided. Please register by January 29th. We hope you’ll join us!
Upcoming Events
T.E.D.-Testimony, Encourage, Disciple
Membership Class
Pasta with the Pastor
Royal Rangers – Discovery Rangers
Royal Rangers – Discovery Rangers
Royal Rangers – Discovery Rangers
Become a Member
Click below to register for the November 10th class.
Serve with Us
There’s a place for everyone.