Women’s Christmas Outreach Sponsorship

Lynhaven 21669 Old Covington Hwy, Hammond, LA, United States

This is another opportunity to give back this Christmas season! The women of Lakeshore will be serving the women and children at Lynhaven on Saturday, December 7. While registration for this event has closed, sponsors are still welcome to help cover the cost of the ladies and children at Lynhaven for this event. If you…

Front Porch Christmas Party

Lakeshore Church 15261 Brewster Road, Covington, LA, United States

We are looking forward to fellowshipping with our 60+ years young community at our Christmas Party! Join us in your casual festive attire for food, fellowship, door prizes, and a…

Heritage Manor Christmas Outreach

Heritage Manor Nursing Home 1820 W Causeway Approach, Mandeville, United States

All are welcome to join as we spread some Christmas cheer to our friends at Heritage Manor on Saturday, December 14! We will be meeting at Heritage Manor at 2:00pm.…

Young Adult Christmas Party

Nelson Garcia Jr's House 20157 Johnsen Rd, Covington, LA, United States

Join our young adults for a Christmas Party on December 15th from 5pm-8pm! Bring your favourite party dish and your friends for this fun time together to celebrate the Christmas…
